Torani Syrup Vanilla 750ml

A plain vanilla world? Don't think so. There's nothing ho-hum about this original leading lady. And nothing beats the original. Inspired by premium vanilla flavor, it’s clean, pure and creamy. And that spells delicious every time you add it.

With over 30 delicious syrups, torani offers you the ability to customize your beverages with tempting flavours you can call your own. Made from all-natural flavours, pure cane sugar and purified water.

Authentic taste in all beverages - hot, cold or frozen.


Pure cane sugar, water, natural flavours, sodium benzoate (to preserve freshness), potassium sorbate (to preserve freshness), citric acid.


A plain vanilla world? Don't think so. There's nothing ho-hum about this original leading lady. And nothing beats the original. Inspired by premium vanilla flavor, it’s clean, pure and creamy. And that spells delicious every time you add it.

With over 30 delicious syrups, torani offers you the ability to customize your beverages with tempting flavours you can call your own. Made from all-natural flavours, pure cane sugar and purified water.

Authentic taste in all beverages - hot, cold or frozen.


Pure cane sugar, water, natural flavours, sodium benzoate (to preserve freshness), potassium sorbate (to preserve freshness), citric acid.


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